
Monday May 24, 2021
Episode 42 - Paul Pirie
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Hello tea drinkers and podcast listeners alike,
Here is Paul Pirie for you. What a wonderful man.
Read the rest of this entry »
Sunday May 16, 2021
Episode 41 - Esther Manito
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Good day everybody!
Read the rest of this entry »
Sunday May 09, 2021
Episode 40 - Vix Leyton
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
Hello all,
I hope you're well and enjoying the easing of lockdown. What an interesting time, indeed.
Read the rest of this entry »
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Episode 39 - Yuriko Kotani
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Bienvenue, mes petits amis du thé,
That greeting will make more sense as you get into the podcast.
In this episode my guest is the wonderful Yuriko Kotani. We have an incredibly fun chat in which we rewrite the way that all future Edinburgh Fringe shows will be written, we talk about speaking different languages and we get deeply philosophical in the most silly of manners and manage not to cry.
Don't forget if you want to support the podcast and help keep it running, help me get some high profile guests and generally help to alleviate the stress, you can donate at https://ko-fi.com/sideaves and I'll even give you a lovely shout out.
Also, there may well be some merch coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
You can check out Yuriko online at;
I - @YurikoComedy
T - @YurikoComedy
F - Yuriko Kotani Comedy
Then check out the podcast in its other locations at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Until the next time, don't get into trouble, stay lucky, drink a tea.
Much love,

Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Episode 38 - Julian Deane
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Hello Sexual Teaviants!
(Too risque?)
It's lovely to see you here, for this, my conversation with the lovely Julian Deane from off of the TV as well as his podcast TVI.
Julian's a very funny man and puts up a great chat. We talk about all sorts from the nickname he has for his offspring to bleeding from the face for allegedly positive reasons.
If you like the podcast please consider supporting it with a donation to help me keep it running over at https://ko-fi.com/sideaves
Go and check out him on social media AT;
I - @JulianDeaneOfficial
T - @Julian_Deane
and check out his podcast at;
Then check out the podcast at;
I - @TPartyPod
T - @TPartyPod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Y - /sideaves
Much love, everyone. Thanks for the listens and don't forget to get in touch.
Drink tea, enjoy the outdoors, be cool.
See you soon,

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Episode 37 - Maff Brown
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Good day and welcome back, tea lovers.
This episode I bring Maff Brown to your ears, from Mock The Week and his own stages of Outside The Box comedy clubs.
It's a real cracker talking about comedy and the business in general, as well as people we've witnessed losing their minds during lockdown and how that's affecting careers.
I also do an impression, which is entirely visual and absolutely wasted in an audio medium.
Don't forget, importantly, if you don't ask, you don't get.
Go and find Maff and his club at;
T - @MaffBrown
I - @MaffBrown
W - maffbrown.com
T - @OTBComedy
I - @OTBComedy
W - outsidetheboxcomedy.co.uk
and find the podcast at;
I - @TPartyPod
T - @TPartyPod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Until the next time, be good drink tea, enjoy yourselves.
Much love,

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Episode 36 - Paul Savage
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Welcome tea fans,
This week I bring to your ears Paul Savage, comedian and cartoonist.
We talk about living on a boat, benign violation, the best way to deliver a serious show, meerkats and books for women.
I also get a brand new Teamergency question out of the episode.
Don't forget that if you want to support the podcasy and help keep it running and (since someone's agent asked if I could pay them a fee) help me get bigger guests and also help me pay my mortgage by donating anything you can to;
Go and buy his book from his website on the link below and also find his social media channels at;
W - savagecomic.com
I - @SavageComics_
T - @ComedySavage
Then go and follow the podcast accounts at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
While you're in the mood for doing things, don't forget to like and subscribe to the podcast and drop us a 5 star review on iTunes, if you'd be so kind and don't forget to tell your friends.
Until the next episode, be good to each other, be good to yourselves, get plenty of sleep and drink a lovely tea .
Much love,

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Episode 35 -Jon Long
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Hello tea drinkers and comedy lovers alike,
Welcome back to the podcast for the first episode of 2021, listen in to see where I've been.
Jon Long is my guest this week and we are having a lovely chat, indeed. Jon is one of the first people I ever met in comedy and it's been lovely to watch his journey to see him become the comedian he is today, so he's well worth your time to go and check him out.
We talk about village fetes, our sexy mums, death and alcohilism amongst much more.
If you can and want to donate to help keep the podcast running, please do over at
Go and find Jon online at -
I - @JonLongStandUp
T- @JonLongStandUp
F - facebook.com/JonathanLongathan
Go and find the podcast at -
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Thanks for listening, be kind to each other, drink tea.
Big love,

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Episode 34 - Alexis Dubus / Marcel Lucont
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Good teavening (I'm not apologising for that)
Welcome to episode 34, thanks for joining us. No, it's not 3 of us, it's myself and Alexis Dubus, who many people may know as his character, Marcel Lucont.
We have a lovely, funny and silly chat covering all sorts, including a brand new teamergency question, tardigrades and being in Red Dwarf with Kevin Eldon. You're going to love it.
If you're in a position to help out and reward our creative efforts, please donate at our ko-fi pages, to keep us creating entertainment for you. Why not £1 a month? Why not a one off donation of £2000 (probably a bit much, actually), anyway, any of that is available, whatever you can afford will help massively.
You can find him online at;
T - @alexisdubus
I - @alexisdubuscomedy AND
W - alexisdubus.com
And you can find me at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Thanks, as ever, for tuning in, have yourselves a merry little christmas, why not put down the port for 5 minutes and have a lovely cuppa and go back and enjoy this podcast!
I look forward to seeing you soon (with some absolutely massive announcements).
Be good, be kind, stay away from each other, but love each other absolutely.

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Episode 33 - Fiona Ridgewell
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Good afternoon, my lovers.
I hope this podcast finds you well.
This week I had Fiona Ridgewell "in" for a chat. She tells me about her time in the ring and its similarities to stand-up, including paying her school bully to get people to punch her in the face. We also talk about working during the lockdown and her want for a garden in case of another one.
If you'd like to support the podcast, click the link below and make a donation, it could be one off, monthly or ... those are your options. There's absolutely no obligation to do so, but it would really help with the upkeep of the podcast, the running cost, posting teabags to my guests, advertising and if the donations get good enough I can get an editor to do the hard work and concentrate on getting bigger and better guests.
You can find her online at;
I - @fiona_ridgewell
And as ever, please drop me a 5 star review on itunes, subscribe if you don't already and find the podcast online at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Until the next time,
Be good to each other, drink tea, stay warm, stay alert,
I love you,