
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Episode 32 - Ignacio Lopez
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Greeting Teatings(? I don't know, it's been a long week)
Welcome to the 32nd episode with Ignacio Lopez. It's an absolute laugh with some really great stories and generally a lovely way to meet someone for the first time.
He's got plenty going on online, including online gigs that he's hosting and I'm sure even more that he's doing, so head over to his social media to see what he's doing and also to keep up with when his special is coming out.
He's available at;
I - @comedylopez
T - @comedylopez
W - www.comedylopez.com
And go and check out the socials for the pod at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
And please, if you are enjoying what you've been listening to and are in a position to donate to help with the upkeep of the running costs of the podcast and to even help me buy more tea occasionally then please pop over to my Ko-Fi and donate whatever you can. The link is;
Thanks very much for listening.
I'll see you soon.
Be good. Drink tea. Spread the love.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Episode 31 - Matthew Crosby
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Good morrow, merry Teavians.
Welcome to this episode with Matthew Crosby, it's a ruddy good one.
I have some (loads of them) technical difficulties, which I do get ironed out in the end, but my word, I felt sick for a moment.
Anyway, it all worked out as Matthew was very generous with his time and we got on famously and, I suspect could have talked all day given the opportunity.
I'll put it here before you read on to the all important social links, in response to not finding much work elsewhere at the minute, I'm putting myself on Fiverr to offer my services as a podcast editor, a session drummer and a voice over artist, so if you need anyone to do any of those things, hit me up via the below link or any of my socials, however you want!
So, go and check out Matthew online at;
T - @matthewcrosby
I - @matthewcrosby1
Podcasts - Go and search for Pappy's to find all things Pappy's, who are incredible and also listen to his radio show with Ed Gamble on Radio X 8am-11am Sunday Mornings, which is also available as a podcast from where you get yours.
And please also go and follow the podcast accounts or get in touch at;
I - @TPartyPod
T - @TPartyPod
E - tpartypod@gmail.com
Thanks for tuning in, folks, you're all the absolute best. Even you.
Big love,

Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Episode 30 - Luke Branch
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Good day, my lovely tea leaves.
I'm absolutely delighted to bring you this chat with Luke Branch of Asylums and Cool Thing Records.
It's loads of fun, has loads of insight and loads of nonsense. You'll love it.
Come and find out what Luke wears in the summer and what he dips in his tea. It's bizarre. Also find out which part of him he'd most like to evaporate first.
If you hear any weird noises in the background during the recording, there were LOADS of fireworks. Possibly to celebrate the second lockdown, possibly for Biden, possibly because it was a Wednesday, possibly because it was the night before fireworks night, who knows. But that's what it is.
You can go and see more of Asylums at;
I - @AsylumsUK
T - @AsylumsBand
W - coolthingrecords.com
And please go and like, subscribe and share all things Tea Party at;
I - @TPartyPod
T - @TPartyPod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Big love to you all, thanks for listening, drink tea.

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Episode 29 - Josh James
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Hello my little tea cups.
I hope you've all been well during my unanticipated hiatus. I've had surgeries and writing work and all sorts, but I'm back and I bring to you Josh James.
It's both a very fun and lovely chat, we talk about Essex, families and his handsome friend.
It's nice to be back and nice to have exciting guests to announce, which you'll have to listen to the end for.
Catch Josh online at;
I - @jamesyjosh
F - Josh James Comedy
W - joshjamescomedy.com
And please, if you can, go and chuck me a 5 star review on iTunes and give us a like and follow and all that jazz on the following social channels;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Keep safe my lovely tea strainers.

Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Episode 28 - Nathan Caton
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Hello my loves,
Thanks for joining me on my chat with the very lovely and very funny Nathan Caton. It's classic Tea Party content, a great chat, some good insight into Nathan's life, comedy and preferences on tea.
We get to learn about which Ninja Turtle we'd like to date our daughters, what jumped over the moon, what happens when his agent fails him and much more.
Don't forget to search for his podcasts, 'An Englishman, An Irishman and A Scot' and 'Give Me Some Good News' and follow him online here;
T - @NathanCaton
I - @nathan.caton
W - nathancaton.com
And as always, get in touch with me, follow me, like the pod, subscribe, download, tell your friends and anything else you'd like to do to support the Tea Party to receive my deepest gratitude!
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Until the next time, thanks for listening and thanks for telling everyone on the internet how much you love the podcast.
Much love,

Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Episode 27 -Rich Wilson
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Wednesday Aug 12, 2020
Hello, my lovely tea lights.
I hope you're all well.
I've been slow bringing this one out because I've had to take on a temp job so that I'm allowed to keep living in my house, but we're here now and the wait was worth it, because what an episode!
Rich Wilson is an absolute power house of comedy and one of the nicest guys in the industry. We have a really fun chat where we discuss all sorts from mental health to being a super hero in the duck community.
Do you drink hot drinks to cool you down? Email me and let me know, why don't you, at tpartypod@gmail.com. I need to get more opinions on it, because I'm still convinced it's nonsense!
Check out Rich and his work by Googling him and finding him or check his various Insta accounts via these links;
Then go and drop some interactions my way, let me know where you're listening from and what tea you love. I love to hear from you!
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Anyway, I must away to bed as I'm writing this at 1am.
Good night, keep well, drink tea, enjoy yourselves, it's later than you think.
Much love,

Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Episode 26 - Joz Norris
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Saturday Jul 18, 2020
Hello hot drinks fans,
What an absolute pleasure it is to bring you this episode with Joz Norris. A truly lovely and very funny man.
We talk about oast houses, the garden of England, Red Hot Reckless Rod, bike riding in London, going to school with the offspring of tea magnates and Bugsy Malone. As well as finding out his opinions on farts. It's not one to be missed.
Speaking of Joz being funny, he's here to plug his live streamed film that is running all of next week, 20th-26th July 2020, of what he adapted his now defunct 2020 Edinburgh Fringe show, You Build The Thing You Think You Are, into, he's also going to be having live chats with some absolutely stellar guests righ after the showing. If you're listening to this in the future, just Google it, you'll find it, I'm sure.
Grab tickets for these incredible events with this link;
It's going to be spectacular.
You can also check out his online presence at;
T - @JozNorris
I - @JozNorris
W - www.joznorris.co.uk
Also, don't forget to get in touch with me if you're left-handed and you hate cucumbers;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Thanks for listening, you beauties. Go and watch Joz's show.
Be cool, everybody, have a lovely brew and tell your friends you love them.
Big love,

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Episode 25 - Brennan Reece
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Hello my little tea bags,
How the devil are you? Well, I hope.
I have for your delectation a very fun episode, indeed, with the lovely Brennan Reece, who you may have seen in such shows/films as Live At The Apollo, The Stand Up Sketch Show Roast Battle, Three In A Bed, SoulBoy, but who you will never see in The Vessel.
Brennan teaches me about Penguin straws and introduced me to almost his entire family, including his multi-poo.
We talk about DIY in our new houses, we talk about kayaks and most importantly Brennan answers the age old question, are farts funny?
You can find him online at;
T - @BrennanReece
I - @BrennanReece
W - brennanreece.com
And don't forget to find me at;
T - @TPartyPod
I - @TPartyPod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Go and check out Brennan's weekly comedy roasts via Hot Water Comedy Club
And otherwise, be good to each other, yeah? If you're going to the pub, do it safely, don't be a bloody idiot.
Better yet, stay at home and have a tea while you listen to this podcast!
Much love,

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Episode 24 - El Baldiniho
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Greetings tea... people? Teaple?
In episode 24 I talk to El Baldiniho (Jason Mannion), possibly my first guest to have had Coronavirus, who you can see in action by clicking here.
We discuss writing, prison tea, Darjeeling. I learn what a "tea belly" is and have no idea how Jason is still alive with the amount of tea he drinks.
Go and check out his daughter's content by clicking here.
Also have a look at his band by clicking here.
You can check out his online content here;
T - @magicbaldy
I - @elbaldiniho1
W - elbaldiniho.co.uk
And as ever, find me at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
And don't forget to get in touch with suggestions, answers to questions I've asked or even just for a chat about what you've been up to at tpartypod@gmail.com
I also always appreciate it when you can drop me likes and follows on the socials, when you share my posts and subscribe and when you steal your friends' phones and subscribe them to the podcast too, that's very kind of you.
Thanks for listening, I'll see you soon.
Much love, drink tea, be nice,

Sunday May 24, 2020
Episode 23 - Rosie Holt
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Greetings all,
In this episode I talk to stand-up, actor and as I also learnt, improviser, Rosie Holt.
It's a truly amusing episode and we laugh a lot. We discuss writing, performing and dating while in lockdown and how Rosie's not doing much of any of those. We also talk about Rosie's favourite sexist tea, which leads to some hilarious, but questionable conversation. Rosie also talks about politician "Jeffrey Rees-Mogg".
This is also the first episode which has finally got some intro music, created, for a very nominal fee, by Mike Darrah on Fiverr. Look him up for your 30 second song needs at -
You can find out what Rosie's up to at;
I - @rosieisaholt
T - @rosieisaholt
W - www.rosieholt.com
and get in touch with me/give me a follow/like all my posts at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
As always, stay safe, stay home, wash your hands, don't suddenly move in with your elderly relatives, even if you do it "with integrity"
Much Love,