
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Episde 60 - Greg Winfield
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Hello, my little tea bags,
It's lovely to see you all back and it's lovely to be back, myself.
I bring to you, on this fine day, Greg Winfield. We had a lovely chat during the first week of my tour while I was in Bristol. It was as mad as it was funny and I can't wait for you to hear it.
As ever, I forgot to ask you all to drop the show 5 stars and tell your friends, but hopefully that's a given at this point, but still, it's worth asking.
Head to linktr.ee/sideaves to find out where I'm on tour and where to get tickets.
I've got to rush out the door, so no prattling on for me.
But thanks for listening,
I love you all and will see you soon.

Friday Dec 08, 2023
Episode 59.5 - The Si-Clops Special
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Hello everybody,
Welcome to this short ramble that's not a proper episode. This is coming out now to tell you all about my special, Si-Clops, which will be available on YouTube (or to buy, but listen in for that) as of 6pm (GMT) tomorrow.
After 6pm tomorrow you can click HERE to watch it, or head to sideaves.com to see more.
This is short and sweet as I'm off to look at some Christmas lights with my tiny baby daughter.
See you all very soon, thanks for listening.
I love you all,

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Episode 59 - Matt Hoss
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Hello Teaverybody ... No?
Welcome back and apologies for yet another break, I do explain where I've been in the intro ... It's been a busy old time.
But this week I have for you the absolutely delightful Matt Hoss, comedian, podcaster and promoter.
We talk about all sorts from the psychology of comedy, to Matt's niche taste in tea, as well as my love for Essex Tea and anything else that The Cornish Tea Company produce.
Seriously, they don't pay me, but they could and they should.
If you listen to this in time and hear about next week's show, or if you don't and you just read the show description in time, then don't forget to come down to Twenty One in Southend on the 6th of November (2023) to see me record my first ever special of my last tour show, Si-Clops, before I put it to bed and prepare to tour Best Thing Ever, which is my first proper tour, kicking off in Feb 2024.
You can buy tickets and/or just support the recording via the Kickstarter here.
And if you want to find out more about my upcoming tour, it will all be officially announced very soon, though if you do want to Google 'Si Deaves - Best Thing Ever', then some tickets are already on sale ... otherwise, keep an eye on my social media, my website, or just on the Linktree.
Until the next time, though, thanks for listening. Drink tea and be good to each other. Also, rate the podcast 5 stars.
I love you,

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Episode 58 - Ben Lund Conlon
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Hello my lovely teaviants,
I'm starting to get some level of regularity to when I'm posting episodes. Let's hope I can keep it up. This week I bring to you the delightful lad that is Ben Lund Conlon. A lovely comedian, tea enthusiast and Buffy nerd.
We discuss all sorts from Harry Potter and our serf and terfdom, we discuss show namesm Steve Pretty, the trumpet player for the Hackney Colliery Band, Ben's strict tea schedule and Douglas Adams. We also try to learn Welsh.
Ben drinks some tea from The Rare Tea Company and I drink some Essex Tea 'Saxon Brew'.
It's properly about tea in this episode. As well as comedy, of course, but there's so much tea chat, too, it's delightful.
We discuss Ben's upcoming tour, which is starting soon and tickets for that can be found at benlundconlon.com.
It's a hell of an episode, so why not rate the whole podcast 5 stars wherever you get your podcasts and tell all your friends about it? Oh, thanks very much.
Get it in your ears, put some tea in your gob, be good to each other.
I'll see you soon.
Much love,

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Episode 57 - Kathryn Mather
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Welcome back, Tealings,
Say hello to the wonderful Kathryn Mather, she's a great comedian and a lovely person and makes for a very fun chat.
We talk all kinds of nonsense from genocide to love, relationships, happiness, dead birds and our zombie apocalypse plans.
You can find her across social media as @KathMathCom
and you can find all things podcast and Si Deaves at linktr.ee/sideaves.
Don't forget to rate the podcast 5 stars, tell your friends, like and share the posts and generally be a legend, also come and see me on tour when that's a thing and let me know if there's anywhere in particular you want me to visit.
There's a lot of exciting news to come as well as a lot of exciting guests and just generally exciting times to be me, so that's wonderful.
I look forward to updating many of you on that soon.
But until then, be good, drink tea, love yourselves and each other.
Much love,

Monday Jul 10, 2023
Episode 56 - Kate McGann
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Hello all,
Welcome back and apologies for my absence just as I was getting back into the swing of it. I had a malfunction with some recording hardware and it's taken them weeks to send me a replacement. Oh the joy.
BUT, in this very funny episode I return with Kate McGann, a wonderful comedian and a very funny woman, indeed. We talk about all sorts from her time on Take Me Out with Paddy McGuinness, to the unlikely connection between my dad and Francis Bourgeois. We discuss her new husband, Rich Wilson, and her new podcast, Nevermind The Age Gap, bringing Philip Schofield briefly into the conversation, as well as the incredible musical The Scottboro Boys.
If you're in, near or willing to travel to Worthing THIS THURSDAY the 13TH OF JULY, I'm bringing my tour show, Si-Clops to The Cellar Arts Club. Tickets and plenty of other important links can be found via linktr.ee/sideaves
That is also the link where eventually you can find the link to the Patreon, which is finally definitely happening, I'm collating content as we speak.
Right, I think that's everything.
We're back on track. Back to normal. Thanks for listening, downloading, giving us a 5 star review and telling all your friends about the podcast.
I'll see you all soon. I love you.

Friday May 19, 2023
Episode 55 - Rob Mulholland
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Hello everyone,
We're back, this time it's an episode I recorded this year. Not just this year, but this week. What a fun episode it is, indeed.
I talk to Rob Mulholland from the Dead Men Talking podcast about all sorts, from his new special, to the importance of comedians sharing each other's content, what he really wants for Christmas and his love of Marcelo Bielsa amongst much more.
You'll hear me talk about a show that I'm doing "today" as the first show of my tour and, depending when you read this, that was actually yesterday and even though the podcast was finished and ready to go out I completely forgot to upload it to the internet, like an idiot. HOWEVER, you can catch me on tour SOON, so go to linktr.ee/sideaves to find where I am and to get tickets, INCLUDING my second date of Brighton Fringe on the 28th of May, for which tickets are still remaining.
You can find Rob online everywhere via @robmulholland and don't forget to keep an eye out on YouTube for Born Ready, his recently recorded special which is coming out on the [insert number here] of [insert month here] ... Just keep an eye on Rob's socials and he'll tell you.
Don't forget to drop a 5 star rating and a review on iTunes, or wherever you rate your podcasts these days and keep an eye out on my behind the scenes at gigs Patreon content that I've finally started to record. It's like Backstage with Katherine Ryan, but what backstage is actually like for most comedians and I'll talk about the gig before and after with the comedians I am gigging with. It should be a blast and hopefully something people are interested in.
There'll be a new episode soon with an influx of recordings scheduled in for the near future with a series of incredible comedians.
Until the next time, thanks for listening, be good to each other, drink tea.
I love you, good night/morning/day.

Thursday May 04, 2023
Episode 54 - Matthew Crosby (Pappy’s) returns
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Hello one and all,
This is now the third time I'm trying to upload this episode, last night Podbean decided to delete it without telling me and my computer just crashed, so if it doesn't work this time then I'm just going to burn my laptop and nobody can hear it.
Thank you all so much for downloading the last episode with Paul Schiernecker and for the positive feedback, especially after being away for so long. It was a wonderfully fun episode and it's lovely to be back.
Speaking of a fun episode, this one is an absolute doozy, we have the first (sort of) returning guest in the wonderful Matthew Crosby. If you don't know Matthew then I'm not really sure what you've been doing with your life but you've been missing out. He's the host and landlord of Pappy's Flatshare Slamdown (as well as just a part of Pappy's, whose output you really need to deep dive into), he's on Radio X every Sunday with Ed Gamble and writes for and creates some incredible TV shows, like Hypothetical and The Last Leg
We talk about so much, from pegging, Whoopi Goldberg (I do hope you saw the comma there, that comma is important), his trumpet playing skills and so much more.
The next episode that's out will be CURRENT, actually recorded recently (so recent that I haven't recorded it yet). So check that out in 2 weeks and in the mean time go and find out where you can find me ON TOUR. I'll be honest, there aren't many places yet, but the soonest you can come and see Si-Clops will be at Brighton Fringe this month on the 18th or 28th at Presuming Ed's.
Ticket links for those dates, when they're available, can be found at linktre.ee/sideaves or just via sideaves.com.
Don't forget to tell your friends about the podcast and drop it a 5 star review wherever you can.
Thanks for listening, enjoy the episode, drink a tea.
I love you, see you next time.

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Episode 53 - Paul Schiernecker
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Hello one and all,
Thank you so much for returning after my unexpected hiatus. A number of extenuating circumstances contributed to the break, which I briefly mention in the intro, but rest assured, I also cover them in my new show, Best Thing Ever, which you can find dates for when I'm performing it either at sideaves.com or at linktr.ee/sideaves.
In this episode I have author, improviser, musician, a now stand-up comedian and good friend, Paul Schiernecker. He's as talented as he is lovely and we have a very, very fun conversation over this hour. We discuss his brother, the potential psychopath, koala criminals, Julia Fox and much more.
Have a look on Amazon for his books, or you can otherwise find him online at;
T - @schierneckeretc
I - @schierneckeretc
or just Google him, there aren't many Paul Schierneckers, you'll definitely find him.
I've got a wonderful episode with Matthew Crosby ready to go and some great guests lined up for after that, but in the mean time, enjoy this one, share it about, or if you don't want to do that drop the pod a 5 star review, it would mean the world to me.
Until the next time,
Be good, drink tea, be kind.
I love you all,

Monday Apr 17, 2023
The Comedian’s Tea Party Series 2 Trailer ... Kind Of.
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Hello everybody,
There's been a bit of a gap, I know, but I'm coming back and I'm going to be regular, I've already got episodes recorded with author and improviser, Paul Schiernecker, and THE FIRST RETURNING GUEST Matthew Crosby off of Pappy's and the radio where he has a show with Ed Gamble on Radio X.
I also have records lined up with some incredible comedians, including the likes of comedy hero and podcast legend, Michael Legge, and a few other secret guests who I can't really announce yet, but they are ALL over the place, so I'm excited about that, too.
I'm going to be bringing out some bonus content for Patreon, as well as developing the very long discussed merch, so it's exciting times in the Tea Party camp.
Episode one of series two (or as I'll be referring to it, episode 53) will be landing on your doorsteps on WEDNESDAY MORNING, so subscribe and tell your friends.
I'm excited to be back!
Go HERE for details of upcoming shows, including TOUR DATES, and other places you can find me and the podcast.
Much love,