
Friday May 15, 2020
Episode 22 - Mark Simmons
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Good day to you, my tealights(? ... Does that work? Tea leaves? I'll work on it)
I hope you're all well.
Thanks for downloading and listening and checking out the podcast. It's a lovely little chat with my pal, Mark Simmons, today. A very funny man who you may have seen on the likes of Mock The Week.
We discuss all sorts from writing in lockdown, to going on a date in Ireland, Mark's new sitcom available on his socials (links below) and fixing jokes.
Also, and please get in touch and let me know... Call it market research; Does fresh air make you tired?
You can check Mark out at -
T - @jokeswithmark
I - @jokeswithmark
F - Jokes With Mark
P (podcast) - Jokes with Mark Simmons
And don't forget to get in touch and let me know if fresh air makes you tired at -
T - @tpartypod
I - @tpartypod
E - tpartypod@gmail.com
And remember to like, share, subscribe, tell your friends, review on iTunes and send me £10.
Keep cool, drink tea, wash your hands, you dirty beggar.
Much love,

Monday May 04, 2020
Episode 21 - Jamie Lenman
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Good day, you beautiful creatures.
I hope you're all doing well in the strangest of times. I had a panic attack this morning that stopped me from going for a run, so that's where I'm at... But no, I'm otherwise doing very well and I'm sure that would have happened regardless.
This episode is one of my favourites of all time. I'm a huge fan of Jamie and his work and it was such a pleasure to get to talk to him in this chat. We discuss so, so many things of so many levels of interest, so you're in for a real treat.
If you don't know who Jamie Lenman is, then do yourself a favour and look him and his work up, both his solo career and his work with Reuben, one of my favourite bands. He's very easily searchable "there's only one Jamie Lenman".
You can otherwise find him on;
I - @jamielenman
T - @jamielenman
W - jamielenman.com
And as ever, please drop me a follow and some likes at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
And also, as I promised to my good pal Lewis, go and check out Calm These Tides by clicking on their name there, with their new single dropping on Spotify on the 8th of May.
Much love, everyone, thanks for tuning in.
Be cool, be kind, be tea.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Episode 20 - Damian Clark
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Hello locked-down tea lovers.
I hope you're all very well and having a lovely day. Hopefully those of you still working aren't too busy and those of you who aren't are having the best time you could be, given the restrictions.
This is a properly lovely episode this week, quintessential Tea Party. I drink an 'Up Beet' tea from Teapigs and Damo has a Rooibos tea from East India Company.
We talk about all sorts, from Ant-Man to falling in love with an algorithm and pooing as a billionaire and the Coronaissance. It's loads and loads of fun.
Don't forget to go and check out Damo's show on Youtube, 'Grand Theft Damo' by clicking HERE.
And you can see the rest of his content at;
T - @damianclark
I - @damianclark
W - damianclark.com
And as ever, drop me a follow and some likes and at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - The Comedian's Tea Party
Remind your friends to listen, like and subscribe too, yeah? Thanks.
I'm off to record another episode with ruddy JAMIE LENMAN!!!
Be safe, be clean, be good, be kind, drink tea.
See you next time!

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Episode 19 - Amy Matthews
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Hello there, locked down tea drinkers!
I hope you're all coping as well as you can be and enjoying the company of those who you're locked up with. Or if you're on your own, I hope you've got a PlayStation!
This is the first of what I imagine may be quite a few episodes recorded during the Coronavirus lockdown of 2020, so we're talking via Skype, so the quality isn't of my usual standard, but I think it comes across okay. Either way it doesn't detract from how fun the chat was, talking about adjusting our lifestyles, regressing in our social media behaviour and even tackling anxiety.
We're both drinking sleepy teas, mine was sent to me by Teapigs and Amy had one from Pukka Teas, supplied by her cupboard.
Find her and her wonderful cartoons at;
I - @amyfmatthews
T - @amyfmatthews
F - Amy Matthews Comedy
W - amymatthewscomedy.com
And as ever, please give me a follow and all of the likes at;
I - @tpartypod
T - @tpartypod
F - facebook.com/tpartypod
Until the next time, please stay safe, stay home and stay happy.
Much love,

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Episode 18 - James Cranfield
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Greetings my lovely listeners,
What a wild time in the world we are meeting. I hope you're all well, along with your loved ones. These are trying times and anxiety is high, so look after yourselves and each other. I hope you have some toilet paper and potatoes. A strange start to a blurb, but it's a strange time.
Welcome to episode 18 with my friend and taxidermy & curiosities dealer and occasional improviser, James Cranfield. Or Cranfield to his friends.
We cover a great many subjects from pigeon poop to Bottom and many things in between,
I always plug social media accounts, but seriously, @thetaxidermist is really, really worth a follow, because his account and stories often have to be seen to be believed. You can also find him on Facebook by searching for Cranfield's Curiosity Cabinet and you can find him at his shop in Leigh-on-Sea.
And don't forget to like and subscribe to the podcast give a lovely review and follow and just generally get in touch at -
T - @tpartypod
I - @tpartypod
E - tpartypod@gmail.com
The other account to take a look at, in the interest of spreading positivity, is @cals_book_account give him a follow, his story is heartwarming.
Enjoy the podcast. Drink a tea, Love each other. Wash your hands.

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Episode 17 - Matt Price
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Good day my lovelies, thanks for making it back here.
This one was a really great chat and I had loads of fun, Matt's stories were fascinating and we had a good laugh. I also left in one "bad" swear word because it is particularly worth it. Consider yourselves warned. We drank some lovely tea that Matt brought back from his trip from Russia, the reason behind his being in Russia is just one of many fascinating tales and another reason you should also listen to his podcast, Conversations With Criminals.
I also had a bit of a breakdown in the intro and outro being distracted by the lovely *redacted*, but I left some bits in that I thought were funny.
Don't forget to check Matt out on Twitter at @mattpricecomedian and also to Google him and find out when he's coming near to you so you can treat yourselves and see him live.
And don't forget to like and subscribe to the podcast give a lovely review and follow and just generally get in touch at -
T - @tpartypod
I - @tpartypod
E - tpartypod@gmail.com
Enjoy the podcast. Be good each other. Have a little Tea.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Episode 16 - Kieran Boyd
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Welcome back tea and/or comedy fans...
Somebody suggested that people that listen to my work should be called Deavers, you know, like divas... I think I like it, but if anybody can think of a better name. let me know.
This week I present to you Kieran Boyd.
We talk tea, nasty metal, sweat, inside-out sick and lots more, including my utter catastrophe of a day (although it did work out very well eventually, but still)
If you want to see Kieran, and you absolutely should, then go and see his show at Soho Theatre on March the 16th 2020. Tickets available here --> https://sohotheatre.com/shows/kieran-boyd/
Or see him in Leicester, this month, at The Shed which you can find out about here --> https://www.ents24.com/leicester-events/the-shed/kieran-boyd-work-in-progress/5956087
Or if you want to see him in Edinburgh, Google his name nearer the time.
If you want to follow him, you can at @kieran_boyd
Don't forget to like and subscribe to the podcast give a lovely review and follow everything at -
T - @tpartypod
I - @tpartypod
E - tpartypod@gmail.com
And while it's still going, give my friend and regular listener, Chris, some of your money in sponsorship for a very good cause, as stated here;
Have a brew, tell your loved ones you love them, keep safe from the storms!
Much love,

Friday Jan 31, 2020
Episode 15 - Daniel Triscott
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Hello my children,
Welcome to Episode 15 with Daniel Triscott.
We had a chat while I was down in Cornwall for the evening for a show. We have a very, very loosely educated chat about gunpowder, discuss unplayable gigs, Edinburgh Fringe and more.
We also drink tea supplied to me by The Clean Tea Company who you can find if you click that link there, or on Instagram. It's lovely so go and check them out.
If you want to follow Dan on any of the social media platforms, you can find him at;
I - @dtriscottjokes
T - @dtriscotjokes
F - Daniel Triscott
And while we're at it, don't forget to get in touch with the podcast on all the social avenues too.
T - @tpartypod
I - @tpartypod
E - tpartypod@gmail.com
And don't forget to like, subscribe and review wherever you get your podcasts.
And while it's still going, give my friend and regular listener, Chris, some of your money in sponsorship for a very good cause, as stated here;
Drink tea. Be happy. Much Love.

Friday Jan 03, 2020
Episode 14 - Improvathon Special
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Hello, my tea drinking loves.
I'm sorry I've been away for so long, but I promise it's for good reason. I hope you all understand, but thank you for returning to bring some tea to your ears!
Speaking of, I've just this second realised that I never even mentioned what tea I was drinking. WELL, I was drinking Twinings 'Glow' from their Superblends range through the night. It was glorious and really kept me going. But I've spoken about that before on the last episode when I tried it. It comes with my hearty recommendation.
Before I give you the list of guests in this special episode recorded at The Southend 24 hour Improvathon let me just give you the link for, friend of the podcast, Chris Lowe's charity skydive. It's for a really lovely cause and really think you should consider donating.
So here's the long list of guests, in order, who appeared at @southend24thon and how you can find them;
Chris Thompson - @captainchrisbeard
Ross McGrane - @therossmcgrane or @RossMcGrane
Katie Pendrigh - Look out for her kids book Mini Mac - The Monster Underneath My Bed
Olly Gourley - @ollygourley
Johnny Keating - He's got a bizarre company somewhere on Facebook, but I can't find it
Lee Tearrell - Search The Laugher Academy on Facebook for details or @laughter.academy
Ali Graves - @ali_sharingthelove or @AliGYoga
Paul Schiernecker - @paulschiernecker or @schierneckeretc OR http://paulschiernecker.com
Ross McGrane returns - @littlesmashcomedy or @LittleSmash
Gemma Bennett - @gemmabennett_
Ashley Edwards - @wildfire6789
Jamie Cranfield - @thetaxidermist
Davey Hal - @daveyhal or @davey_hal
Chris Thompson returns - ... as above
Jordan Clarke - @jpcmusic or @forristalclarke
Alice Dolman - @alice_dolman
Wendy Morgan - @wendymorganactor
Jess Ackland - @jsscklnd
And then we slept.
I'll be back soon, please keep your eye out for new episodes, this gap will NOT be as long as the last.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to get in touch on all of the platforms at @tpartypod or drop me an email at tpartypod@gmail.com I always love to hear from you all. Please also, if you could, drop me a lovely 5 star review and subscribe.
Much love and happy new year!

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Episode 13 - Ali James
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Hello my lovely tea drinkers,
Welcome back after my house-moving-hiatus. It's been a wild few weeks, but I'm finally in my house and getting myself level again, so I should start getting a bit more regular with some podcast records and releases.
But either way, for now, thanks for listening.
This week we have the inimitable Ali James, improviser, actor and incredible Cilla Black impersonator (not that I think that's public knowledge). She's an improviser with the award winning and mind-blowing Showstopper, who are more than worth your time checking out.
We play some improv games, talk about life, being an adult, Jim Carrey and largely we talked about the Southend 24 Hour Improvathon, which is happenith ing on 4/10/19, in which I will be taking part for the "wild" hours of 1am-11am. It's going to be at Trinity Football Club in Southend and tickets are £5 for the first episode and £2 for each episode thereafter, with a ticket for the full 24 hours being up for grabs at the incredible price of £20.
Tickets available from the box office on 01702 460706 or on the door.
Keep up with the social accounts for the show at -
T - @Southend24thon
I - @Southend24thon
Or keep up with Ali at -
T - @ali_james22
I - @ali_james22
As ever, I love hearing from you, so please continue to do so on the social accounts, find us everywhere at @tpartypod or find your lovely host at @sideaves and please don't forget to like, share, subscribe and give us a 5 star rating on iTunes so that we can get the podcast seen by more people, which will help me keep going and book some massive guests!
Much love, drink tea and be good to each other.